Sunday, October 19, 2008

An Update for Everyone

Hi there-
So I realized it has been a while since I've posted an update and thought I would give you guys one to let you know how we're doing! This Tuesday will mark the 6 week mark since Doug's surgery! As of Tuesday he is medically cleared to start doing more things physcially--he could go back to the gym, lift more than 5 pounds at a time, etc. Now, I don't think he'll be running a marathon this month, but its nice to know that now as he feels up to doing some different things he is now medically cleared to do them! Now I try to stress that some housework is really the key to a quicker recovery, but I don't really know how much he is buying into that one! Marathon vacuming session sounds good for the body, no?

Doug is feeling a little bit better every day, although it is a long and very slow road. Some days are better than others, but that is all to be expected. The good news is that his appetite has really been coming back a bit in the last week or two, I think he may have even put on a couple of pounds (I'll make sure that trend continues!). I'm trying to make lots of good food, and we have great family and friends that help make sure that we always have everything that we need.

We had a great weekend! For those of you outside of the CT area, the weather was gorgeous this weekend. Friday night Doug and I had movie night, it was so nice to just sit and relax and watch a couple of movies. Saturday morning I got a chance to get out and have my hair done which I always love! Then when I got back three of Doug's friends--Ant, Paul, and Matt--stopped by for a couple hours to hang out with him. It was nice to see them. After they left Doug and I went out for a while to the Glastonbury Apple Festival-a town carnival that they have in our town every year. It was such a nice day and it was so good to get out for a while. Ian and Erik came down last night to watch a UFC payperview fight so all in all a great day. Today is of course, Football day, so our friends Andy and Erin came down from Boston to watch the Giants dominate the 49ers today, and Pete was here too, although as a San Francisco fan was not nearly as happy with the outcome of the game as we were!

This week will be a busy one for us. Tomorrow we go to see the Neurologist in the morning to get Doug some EMG testing--basically it will test his nerves and muscles in his hands to see if they can figure out where the damage is and what they can do to fix it. Needless to say, this is an appointment we are very anxious to go to as his hands are not getting any better! Then in the afternoon its off to UCONN to get his first followup CT scan. Tuesday will bring a trip to get bloodwork and Tumor Markers done. Tumor markers are substances that are produced by tumor cells and are used to tell what is happening with the cancerous cells in his body. We use these first set of tests as a baseline---they are a way that we can non-invasively tell if the abnormal cells in Doug's body are shrinking, stable, or if they begin to grow again. It is a way to monitor any possible reoccurance (or in our case, hopefully the NON-occurance) so that we can respond to it if need be. He'll have them done every three months or so. Yet another amazing way that science has progressed in a way that really helps his medical team make the best decisions for him! They will study the trends in the numbers to see what is going on in his belly. These tests are painless for Doug which is always great too--its no different than getting regular bloodwork done for him. Finally, on Friday we will trek down to Baltimore for Doug's first followup appointment with Dr. Sardi. We're looking forward to seeing him and everyone on the team, and can't wait to brag about how well he is doing! Then the following Tuesday we have an appointment with an oncologist at UCONN--this doctor will become a critical part of Doug's health care team, as he will be the one overseeing the chemotherapy treatment that he'll be starting in the relatively near future. We hope that Doug likes him!

Of course along with all of the appointments we have plans with friends and family sprinkled throughout the next couple of weeks. Tuesday after work my friend Kristen will stop over for dinner and a visit, and Doug's dad is going to be around in the beginning of the week as well to hang out with him for a while. Next weekend we will see Amy Cooper and Ileana on Saturday, and the following week will bring visits from my friends Rosie and Kathy as well as Doug's brother Jason and Barbara. We are so lucky to have such a huge support network around us, and it gives Doug a much welcomed break from all of the "On-Demand" television watching!

So all in all, more of the same for us! Pain medication is now only taken as he needs it, so the fact that that has been hugely scaled back is great as well. I have been and continue to be so proud of him--he's a real trooper and continues to have nothing but an optimistic view of his recovery. I'm so lucky to have him--we all are. I can't wait until he gets fully better so that we can continue moving on with our lives together and so that he can be good and ready to hit that golf course in the spring! Right now we're trying to decide where we may possibly want to take a vacation at the beginning of the spring :)

Hope all is well with everyone and you are all enjoying what is arguably one of the prettiest fall seasons I have ever seen! We love you all and continue to thank you for the support and good wishes.

Love, Lindsey


Unknown said...


You're cracking me up this morning:

"Marathon vacuming session sounds good for the body, no?"

I don't know about that, but that's just me; Doug might be different :-)

Great to read about how Doug is still ever progressing.

Take care.

John D.

Anonymous said...

Aw I was hoping I might bump into you guys at the Apple Harvest Fest! Craig and I were working ticket sales 1/2 day saturday and most of sunday so I figured we had a good chance. Oh well, all the more reason to stop by and visit. :)

glad to hear the apetite is returning! hope the nerve appointment was eventful in a good way. :) and holy cow that is awesome that they can monitor how the cells are doing just by bloodwork-type tests. you gotta appreciate that kind of technology.

so good luck with the upcoming doctor meetings....still thinking about you guys and keeping up the prayers.

lots of love! kaz

Anonymous said...

Great to hear you're out and about a little more, Doug. I hung around all of Sept w/ nothing to do and now I can't catch a day off. When Sat. rolled around I had some sort of bug I would wish on my worst enemy and come to find out 6 of my friends at the school I was in on Fri. had it too!! Glad to hear Dad is going to be around. You can show him some of "your" part of the state! Go out to West Hartford to Blueback Square - nice to walk around. If you really want to walk him go out the back driveway by the "hospital" and walk directly across the street into that driveway - that's a private school but people walk there all the time and it's pretty. That's where I taught last year.
Hope today's appt. went well. Keep up the good work.
Good luck tomorrow & in Baltimore!
Lots of love and prayers,

Anonymous said...

Hi Doug and Lindsey....Glad to hear recovery is getting better everyday and that you are starting to build up an appetite! Keep up the good work both of you! Hope all went well at the neurologist and that you weren't too sore from the EMG. Take Care!
Pam and Bob

Unknown said...

Hope the appointments this week have been going well. Been sending lots of positive thoughts to you both.

Ha ha ha ... love the marathon vacuuming idea, Linds! (sorry, Doug ;-)) Sounds like you're both doing great - Doug with the recovery part and Linds with the caretaking part. You guys are really lucky to each have such a wonderful partner in the other - I'm sure you recognize that but keep that in mind if you run into a couple of rough spots.

You guys are such an extraordinary team... You Brag Away at How Great You're Doing!

Sounds like lots of company, distractions from TV, and continued support - YAY!!!

Sending lots of love your way,