Sunday, August 31, 2008

Happy Labor Day!

Happy Labor Day Everyone! This is Doug attempting to ride a palm tree during our vacation to the Cayman Islands that we took in April. I think it really exhibits what I like to call..."Classic Doug"--the picture version.

What is "Classic Doug"? For those of you who know him, you know that this includes a few things such as, some kind of ridiculous pose to go along with some kind of ridiculous face that he will inevitably be making. Added in with that which can not be portrayed in a picture--of course saying something inappropriate instead of the tried and true "CHEESE!"

What you also get is the Doug we all know and love--goofy, happy-go-lucky, and the eternal optimist. Even with what he is faced with now, he never ceases to amaze me with a smile, a joke, and just the way that people want to be around him.

I was talking to Doug today about how I needed to do another post, but we don't really have any updates. He suggested doing a post that talks about something fun! I thought it was a great idea. Theres going to be lots of posts in the future about things that are NOT so much fun, so I am going to switch it up a bit for this post. In the spirit of a holiday weekend, I want to share with you two lessons that I learned while on vacation. I'll call it, Stress Management 101, the Selmont version. As you know, it was during this vacation that we received the phone call that set off this chain of events.

Lesson #1: When faced with a difficult situation, fruity tropical drinks at various locations always make things seem better.

Doug went on a mission to only drink things that were exclusively some shade of pink, purple, orange, blue......etc......please note the photographic evidence below. He was very proud of his quest and took every opportunity to also inform the bartender that "if he wanted a beer he could have stayed home". Here are just a couple of examples:

It really seemed to work, as somehow these fruity concoctions do much to ease the mind. Pair it with a sunset (and an almost instant nap as soon as drinks are gone) and it doesn't get much better than that.

Lesson #2: Do things you love to do----aka, sleep, nap, and sit on the beach. And when you get bored of that, make sure that you have a girlfriend that is addicted to taking a zillion pictures and have your very own JC Penny Catalog photo shoot.

First, Multi-task by sleeping and sunning at the same time.

Next comes the photo shoot. Can't you just see him in the back-to-school ads? :)

And finally, a bonus lesson. If you are on vacation during the Final Four and you find a local sketchy bar to go to that is showing the game and you meet a sketchy drunk local guy that buys you drinks to welcome you to the island, keep your eyes open for the rest of your vacation. There is a good chance that you will see him again, at another local bar, on another night, still drunk, wearing the same clothes, and he won't recognize you and will buy you more drinks to again, welcome you to the island.

You are probably all asking yourself what is the point of this post? Again, like I said above, there are a lot of not-so-much fun to read posts coming up in the very near future, and I want us all to be able to remember that no matter how bad things may seem, there is very little that some "stress management" can't help. Thats part of who Doug is-- he refuses to feel sorry for himself and takes advantage of all the great and happy things there are. We need to do the same, as his support system!

It always helps to pretend your a palm tree, also.

I hope everyone has a great holiday weekend, and I will post again probably midweek as our departure date for Baltimore gets closer and I have more information for everyone!



maura said...

Lindsey- great job once again. I am laughing and thinking of UConn antics. Hope you folks have a relaxing weekend. We are thinking of you!


Kateri said...

Lindsey- You are too funny!!! Have you considered a career in comedy- you had me laughing out loud!!! Good for you guys-humor is the best medicine (and distraction). But you're a tough act to follow. Perhaps I can supply a couple funny pics for you guys to share... I'll look in my files.
Doug stay busy, in other words make sure you're checking email and surfing the net at work :)

Look forward to hearing from you-love you both!!

Anonymous said...

Doug & Lindsey - you have no idea how much it means to me (all of us really) that you guys are being so open and informative. It gives us so much more confidence in the best possible outcome because we don't have to guess and speculate about things we've read that may or may not apply to you. We love you guys so much and it's helpful to know how things are, good or bad - if we need to pray for more enjoyment that day, or more strength, or more calm, or more support, or just give thanks that you're young, healthy, strongwilled and fare well under pressure and adversity. It's just really nice to know what's going on and what things we can do to help.

Now, I know that while you are at the hospital you will be receiving extra attention from the nurses (i've seen this in action at Windham Hospital)..... but try not to get used to it - that's a whole staff of nurses, Lindsey is only one person. She may only be able to fluff your pillow 12 times a day, not the 24 you will get accustomed too. She will only be able to give you the good-happy-pain-be-gone medicine 8 times a day rather than the seemingly endless supply you get from the machine at the hospital.

Another word of advice: playing the innocent-flirt role goes over very well with the female nurses, however, can be dangerous territory should you happen upon a male nurse. Although you may get adequate results using the same tactics...if the plan starts to backfire, abort mission and slip him a benji instead to get the proper pillow fluffing. Just looking out for you cuz that could make for an awkward hospital stay.

So in any case - thanks for going out of your way to let us in on what's going on.

We love you guys so much.
- Kaz

P.S. love the "being a palm tree" pic :-)

Anonymous said...

Doug - Elizabeth forwarded this blog site to me. You are ONE lucky guy to have such a great girlfriend!:)
Good luck next week! We're all rooting for you!
~Gioia and Caleb