Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Looooong overdue, I know

Hi everyone!

So I know that I haven't posted in a long time, but as I said in an earlier post, no news is good news! Doug is continuing to power through all of his remaining rounds of chemotheraphy like the tough guy that he is, and we are looking forward to some warmer weather!!!!

we have had lots of exciting news recently! I'll start with the great news from the doctor that we have received just this afternoon!! Doug had another set of tumor markers done recently, and his CEA is way way way down from when he started his chemo in January. In January, Doug's CEA was 150+. In late February/early March it was down to 97. Now, here in early April, his CEA number is 55!!!!!! hooray! As any survivor of PMP will tell you, the numbers on the tumor markers don't matter, we are looking for a TREND in numbers. And the trend is consistently going down as his chemotherapy goes on. So all good news from the medical front! We will go to visit Dr. Sardi on May 1st for Doug's first 6 month checkup and will let you guys all know how that goes.

So on to some more exciting news! Doug and I have set the date and the location for our wedding! We will be getting married on May 28, 2010 at the Hall of Springs in saratoga springs, NY. I am originally from saratoga so it will be nice to have the wedding in my hometown right around the corner from my parents' house! we are really looking forward to it. I am so lucky and so blessed to be able to call this man my future husband, and we have lots of exciting planning to do! Stay tuned for more details (because really, what girl doesn't love to talk about the planning of her wedding?)

I hope that you all have a wonderful Easter/Passover!
Lindsey and Doug

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