Saturday, September 20, 2008

And we're Free!

Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to do a short post to let you all know that we are free!! Doug was discharged from the hospital yesterday afternoon around 3pm and it feels GREAT to be out of there! Yesterday was a crazy day at the hospital just trying to get everything together and ready to go--lots of doctors and nurses in and out, giving him that last little boost of fluids and iron before he got out of there. He also had his PICC line removed--no more needles! It was a crazy day, I don't think that I stopped running around until about 9 pm :). Luckily Jason was there with us all day which was such a huge help just getting all of his stuff out of his room and into the car and then from the car into the hotel.

We are staying at the Tremont hotel which is about a block away from the hospital. We were going to stay here at the Hope Lodge, but Doug decided that he would be more comfortable in a hotel for a few days. I understand that--for one thing although the Hope Lodge is a wonderful organization (and one that is added to my list of charities to contribute to!) we are the youngest people here by probably 10-15 years or so, and he would have to go down to the communal dining room to eat each meal, and he's just not feeling up to a lot of socializing with people he's not familiar with and I don't blame him. Luckily, the hotel room we have is a suite and is probably bigger than my first three apartments I lived in after college. We have a living room area, a big bedroom with two beds and a big kitchen. The two beds was key as the last thing I need to do is hit him in my sleep somehow! :) It was so nice to be in a real bed again, and although we were still up every four hours for meds, it was so much more comfortable.

Last night after we got back, Ian, Arnie, Sharnoff, Corey, Paul, and Colleen joined us and we took a walk down to a little restaurant down the street for dinner and then back to the hotel room for the UCONN football game. All in all, a great relaxing night with some great friends, I think it did Doug a lot of good to be around everyone.

So we are just going to hang out today, take some more walks, etc. We'll be at the hotel for a few days, and on Tuesday he has to go and get bloodwork done. We have an appointment with Dr. Sardi on Wednesday and we hope that we are given the all clear to head home after that appointment! If all things are ok, we'll be back in Glastonbury the evening on September 24th. I'm taking good care of him for you guys, and I know we both can't wait to get home.

I'll still be updateing the blog on a regular basis as we finish up here in Baltimore and head home. We can't wait to see everyone, and love you all.

Love Lindsey


Anonymous said...

Congrats Doug!! Congrats Lindsey!! You two make a great pair. So glad you got out of the hospital. Young bodies and new medical technology are amazing! Sixty years ago they used to keep you in the hospital for a week for having a baby!!! Good thing Jason was there to Help you move everything. Hope the two of you can get some much needed rest before the drive back.
Lots of love,prayers,hugs,

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! That is such great news! I can't believe how well Doug is doing!! Only a little ways to go now until you can come home!!

Love you!

Unknown said...

Guys, that is SO AWESOME TO HEAR!!!!! Oh my gosh, Doug, what an amazing and fast recovery you're already having! I know it's going to take alot more time to get back to feeling normal, but you're already doing so amazingly! You must be one of Sardi's Super-Stars, for sure. You guys take care, and keep getting rest. You are quite a remarkable pair together!!

Love you both,

Ian said...

Hey Doug, Arnie and I are hungry. Where are we going for dinner?

Julie said...

So glad you two are free... and almost home! See you soon!


Alan said...

It was so great seeing you guys this past weekend. Doug let me just say that you are superhuman! Keep up the postive attitude brother. It was also heartwarming to see first hand how Lindsey is so helpful and encouraging. I mean it ma, you are a rock. As a matter of fact I'm gonna start calling you "The Peoples' Champion" if you smell what I'm cookin'.
Our prayers are continually with you both and see you soon.