Sunday, September 7, 2008

Off we go

Hi Everyone--

I wanted to post one more update (especially since I promised so many people that I would!) before we left. Its about 9:30 am on Sunday, Doug's still asleep, and I'm just getting everything ready to go. It has been a wonderful couple of days for us leading up to a pretty monumental event.

Thursday, as you know, the Giants won. Enough said. We also had several friends over for dinner and the game and it was a great time. On Friday, Doug's office had a big potluck lunch for him, followed by a Happy Hour. It sounds like it was a great lunch, especially when I called him to ask a question around 3:30 and he was still eating it! :). I headed down to join in the after-work festivities after I got out as well. Its always nice to see the Mannkind group, and I always get to meet new people every time too! Happy Hour really stretched out, with Doug and I leaving to go home around 10:30---i guess it was happy hourS.

Yesterday night we headed down to New Haven to say goodbye to John, a good friend of ours who will be leaving to live in Korea for a year. The party was great, and a great opportunity for Doug to see all of his best friends before we left. John's fiance Lynn made fabulous food, and somehow we managed to squeeze probably about 40 partygoers into one big group picture (if someone can get me a copy of that picture, I will post on this blog).

The thing that both Doug and I have been shown in the last few days is really how good people are, how generous and caring, and how lucky we are to have everyone. The amount of support that has been shown is amazing. Many people have said that a huge part of recovery is your attitude and state of mind going into it, and I agree. You have all helped Doug to be able to be in the best state of mind and as happy as possible going into it, so for that I thank you. We both have great groups of people to hurry back to!

I wanted to just post my cell phone number--I don't know how often I'll be able to pick it up (weird rules with hospitals and cell phones, ya know?) but feel free to leave a message and of course you can always email us directly--518-369-5940.

We'll be leaving around noon today (if I can ever make myself go in and get him out of bed!) and should be down to Baltimore around 5:30 pm or so. Luckily it isn't a Monsoon/Hurricane outside anymore and seems to be a nice day for a drive. We'll check Doug in tomorrow at 7:30 am for all of the preperation that he will have to undergo. Once we get in and get him settled for the evening tomorrow I'll try to write a quick post letting everyone know how the pre-op day went!

OK I'm off to finish packing and make sure that we have everything. But, we love you all, keep sending us happy thoughts and prayers!


Anonymous said...

Stay positive guys and we'll see you soon! Doug, no worries...well be wastin away in margaritaville before you know it!
Lins, Doug is very lucky to have someone as special as you. Stay strong.

Kateri said...

Safe travel. Stay strong. We'll be Waiting to hear from you soon. Lots of love and good vibes!

Anonymous said...

Doug & Lindsey, May God bless you both & keep you in his hand as you travel this sideroad of your lives, soon to be back on the your highway of life again. Remember that the road ahead will look different than what you left behind, but it will be ok. You sound very fortunate to have a great support system and don't have to go this alone. Hang on tight to eachother and don't be afraid to ask others for what it is that you need.
Blessings to you both, you are in my thoughts and prayers. I pray for skilled hands and a great outcome. Kim

keeshamist said...

Doug & Lindsey,

My thoughts & prayers are with you both ....
I will be looking for updates of your journey.

Keep up that great attitude!

Sending big Aussie virtual hugs,

(PMPBB member & 7 plus year survivor!)

Anonymous said...

Hi Doug and Lindsley,
You must be out to dinner by now, for the final celebration before checking into Mercy...just remember that Lance Armstrong had cancer in his brain, lungs and stomach before he got better and won the Tour de France a couple of awesome times.Doug will also have a great had better think of what athletic feats you would like to pursue when you recover Doug. I think Lance made quite a fortune after his medical ordeal!
My prayers are with you.
Sr.Mary Lamb

Alan said...

Doug + Lindsey I think you both are great and you are appreciated. So glad you guys had a good time on Friday. Stay strong, stay positive, and keep the faith. See you soon!

Anonymous said...

Hey there! I was thinking about you guys this morning. Hope your drive was smooth yesterday, good thing you didn't have to leave Saturday. I hope all the doctors and nurses are being nice to you guys on your first day! I will call tonight. Love you's!


Anonymous said...

Hey guys,

I hope you had a safe and relaxing trip. Dan and I are thinking, praying and sending positive thoughts your way. Stay strong and if you need anything we are both just a phone call away.

Stacy and Dan Sullivan

Unknown said...


Thanks for the update. It was great to meet you and Celia at the Happy Hour for Doug.


You are missed this AM at MKC. I will be thinking of you often, but especially when it comes time to make my weekly NFL picks. Yes, I know, ALWAYS, take the points with the Broncos at home. Be strong.

John D.

Anonymous said...

Lindsey & Doug, I am also a Dr. Sardi patient, had my MOAS last July and am now free of this insidious disease. Lindsey your posts have almost mirrored ours on my Caringbridge site. Doug's state of mind going into this is his biggest asset, positive thoughts and lots of love from those around you will get you through the worst of times. My prayers will be with Doug tomorrow and you can believe Dr. Sardi when he says he will be there til the end; he doesn't stop until he's confident that he's removed every bit disease that he can. Tell him and Dr. Nick (if he's still on board) I said HI and to take good care of Doug. You should also know that the medical staff on the recovery floor is the best you can ask for.
Dawn Johnson, Salem, MA

Anonymous said...

Wishing guidance to dr. sardi and comfort to you guys. Soon there will be relief that the surgery is over and the recovery can begin. hugs to you guys for today and tomorrow, kaz

Kateri said...

Thinking of you both all the time now. I'm already looking forward to seeing you in recovery phase Doug!! I know it's gonna be a while but we will have to eventually torture you with a family party!!!

Try to rest easy tonight, and Lindsey, Uncle Dennis, Jason and Elizabeth make sure everyone at the hospital gives Doug everything he needs especially during this week. Hug each other for me-I'm with you in spirit!!!

Thank you Dawn Johnson for chiming in - your commnents were invaluable to me, (and I venture to guess maybe a few others), especially right now!!!!!