Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Wrapping up the day

Hi everyone--

I am writing this to you from the ICU at about 10:30 pm on Wednesday night. I wanted to give you a rundown of how the rest of our day went! Visiting hours in the ICU are a bit stricter than when he is on the normal floor so we are only allowed to see doug for a little bit at a time. However, they have let me stay with him longer tonight which is great. Right now the nurse is working on getting his IV nutrition line hooked up and they are going to get him cleaned up so that he can sleep comfortably for the rest of the night.

This afternoon we all got to sit with Doug and visit with him from 4-6 pm, but then had to leave (the nurses have a shift change so we all have to get out of the way!) so we went to grab some dinner and then were back to visit some more at 8:00. Dennis, Elizabeth, and Stazia all left around 8:45 and Doug and I have just been hangin' out! He did GREAT today! He sat in a chair (it looks kind of like a recliner) for the entire afternoon! In fact, they just moved him back to the bed about an hour ago. He did great at that too, even though i know it hurt him a lot.

Doug has exceeded ALL of my expectations for how he did today. You can tell that he is determined to get better, and do it QUICK! I know that he really wants to feel better so that he can have fun with his friends as they start to plan their visits. He is pushing himself to do the things he needs to do--and don't worry i'm keeping an eye on him and making sure he isn't pushing too hard too fast!

The p plan for now is that I'll head home (the lodge anyways!) probably in the next hour or so so that Doug can get some sleep. I was going to leave earlier, but he wanted company for a while. He is started on the IV nutrition and they will keep an eye on his blood sugar and if everything is stable they will try to move him to a normal room. We're also hoping to get some of the tubes out of him! He has a few drains that are draining the chemo out of his belly that we hope to get out in the next couple of days--they are annoying and uncomfortable for him. We are also hoping that the numbness in the fingers will end soon as I know that is really bothering him a lot.

So, Day One of recovery is almost over! I couldn't be prouder of him and how well he is doing and has done so far. He is so brave and I just love him even more for it (if that was even possible).

I will update tomorrow, and try to update more often if possible, I'm sorry that it took me a while between posts today! Everyone have a great night.

ALSO--Doug wants to listen to his voicemail tomorrow---so if you guys want to call him and leave him a message, I know he'd love pto hear you all :-) I'll be putting it on speaker phone for him to hear--heres the number 203-804-4480.

Thanks, as always--for everything and for all the posts and emails---keep them coming! Love you all very much.

Love, Lindsey


Anonymous said...

Doug and Linds,

We hope you had a restful evening. One to Day 2 and more wins...keep up the positive mojo..sending all our love and strength your way...kisses, Rosie, Bri and the kids

Anonymous said...

Doug and Lindsey,
Sounds like a busy day. They don't fool around down there - up and at them and ready for batting practice. I bet you won't be lounging in a chair today - it's laps around the nurses' station for you!!!
Lindsey, you're doing great - blog when you can and stop appologizing for not doing it earlier!!!!! We all understand. And those who don't...let them try walking in your shoes for a day!
lots ofhugs, prayers and hugs,

Anonymous said...

What a trooper Doug is. I am so happy to hear that all is headed in the right direction. I hope that all the love from everyone helps Doug to push himself when he really just doesn't want to. We are routing for you! YAY DOUG (my little cubicle cheer). I will be waiting impatiently for the next post.

Love, Celia

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear Doug's progress. If he doesn't have one already, you may want to get him a pillow he can hold against his stomach as he gets up and down, moves around, and incase he needs to cough. Those muscles have been cut and are sore, not to mention the incision. It helps to press the pillow against the stomach, which helps lessen the pain.

I got Jim L a Spiderman pillow case for that pillow. :)

Also, the numbness in the fingers should go away. I say should because Jim still has tingling in his thumb from the surgery. We think the may have nicked a nerve with the main line. Some days are better than others, but 3.5 yrs later it still bothers him. So good luck with that.
