Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Surgery Day 8 AM

Good Morning everyone-
Here is update number one on the big day! This morning Doug and I got woken up by the nurses at about 5:10 am so that we could get Doug showered and into the most complicated hospital gown that I have ever seen (we had to ask the nurses for help after we both stared at it quizzically for about 8 minutes). We then spent an hour or so in the pre-op area, and Doug's family joined us about two minutes after we arrived down there so they were there the whole time with him also. We met the nurse who will be keeping in touch with us during the day, as well as the anesthesiologist and a few other doctors. Then they took him away to put him to sleep.

Toughest thing by far in this whole ordeal had to be walking away from him leaving him all alone in that room. But he is in great hands, everyone seemed very nice and on top of things this morning! The nurse is supposed to call me updates every 2-3 hours, but she extended a word of warning to us that I will pass along--she won't say much. She will just call to let us know that he's doing ok and that they are still working on him and thats about it--no details probably because Dr. Sardi likes to talk over the operation in person after everything is finished. But I will still update that he is doing great as soon as I hear anything!!

Thanks everyone---pray hard today :)
Love, Lindsey

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Best of luck Doug. Looking forward to welcoming you back to Danbury!
