Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Beginning of Recovery

Hi everyone,

I know I'm late with this one, and I'm sorry--most of you are probably asleep already and will see this tomorrow morning. Doug made it through the surgery just fine, and now begins the recovery phase. Here is an overview of what the last few hours have been:

Surgery took a total of 12 hours. We got a call from the nurse letting us know that they were closing up and that Dr. Sardi would be out to talk to us in the next 90 minutes. The doctor came out and let us know that Doug was doing well--his diabetes was good throughout the procedure which was always a concern in the back of my mind. He removed a LOT of tumor from Doug's abdomen, and his body responded well to the heated chemotherapy. We will know a lot more over the course of the next few days as Doug is able to wake up and participate in our conversations with the doctor. I will be giving more updates over the next couple of days, as often as possible, I promise--I know there are a lot of concerned friends and family out there. with this thing, we don't always have answers right away.

Now my definite best part of the night---they let us into the ICU to see him!! Doug will be spending tonight and most of tomorrow in the ICU--he is still on a ventilator, although he's breathing just fine on his own it is normal to keep him on to make sure that the general anesthesiaa that "freezes" the muscles that help him breath have completely worn off. They let all five of us in to see him at once which was great, and then I got to spend a couple minutes alone with him before we left. He was awake, knew who we were and knew we were there. He has a fever and is in some pain (which i made sure to point out to the nurses up there so they are keeping an eye on his pain level and the fever). He was given a lot (i think Sardi said like 20 liters!) of fluid over those 15 hours he was with the team, so he's a bit bloated. I can't even tell you how brave he is and how proud I am of him. i could only hope that if I had to go through something like this I could be like that. It was painful almost to leave him there all alone, but I know he needs his sleep (and so do I....I'm running on about 48 hours straight of being awake--good thing UCONN trained me well for that!). I just want to protect him from this and I know I can't. We will all reconvene at the hosptial tomorrow around 9 am, and we will be able to see him off and on throughout the day. Our hope is that he gets to leave ICU by tomorrow night, and they will for sure have him sitting up and even out of bed once for a couple of steps tomorrow.

On a personal note if I could indulge for a moment---thank you all SO MUCH for today. I was in no way, shape, or form prepared for what today would be like--hardest day of my life by far and I pray that you guys don't have to ever share the experience. I know I didn't pick the phone when it rang, write back to emails or texts, but please know that I read and listened to every single one and it really kept me going. i saved everything to read and play for doug when he's feeling a little better. Its when times are the hardest and the worst that people become their best and thats what all of you did for me today. I'm really running on empty as you can probably tell by my ramblings, but I wanted to, out of appreciation for all you've done for me, and for Doug and his family today, to at least get out an update. I also was very glad to be with doug's family all day---it was easier being together definitely.

OK bedtime so that i can be ready for full speed ahead recovery for my favorite guy in the world (tied only with my dad of course!). He's not going to like everything that he's going to have to do to get better because its going to HURT so I'm mentally preparing myself for that! Love you all, keep the encouragement coming!

Also, I don't have a room number or address for doug yet, but if you want to send a card or anything else to him you can send it to me here at the Hope Lodge and I'll make sure that he gets it. Here is the address:

Lindsey Springer
American Cancer Society Hope Lodge Baltimore
636 w Lexington Street Room #208
Baltimore, MD 21201

OK more updates tomorrow.


Alan said...

Alright Doug! That's what I'm talkin' bout son! I just knew you would get through the surgery!
Lindsey, I'm sure yesterday has been especially tough on you and Doug's family. You guys probably know Doug better than most and know his strength and will. So you guys just stay strong over there too. Thanks again for all the posts.

Doug, now that the recovery phase is here I will continue to pray for you and Lindsey. Alright well, it just got dusty in here so...Shout out to Dr. Sardi! God is good!

Kateri said...

Lindsey, thank you AGAIN for all that you are doing. Take care of yourself!!! We are so happy to hear the news, and glad our support is helping. Waiting to hear more when you can.

Tell Doug to keep it up, we're couting on the almost "million dollar man"!!! Had no doubt about it!!

Still praying hard for all...

Anonymous said...

God Bless to all. Doug we have had you in our hearts the entire day. Lindsey you are AMAZING! Much love to you all!!!!Rosie, Brian and the kids! :)

mrotino said...

Doug, congratulations on your successful surgery, I knew you would do well. The hardest part is now over and you're on the road to recovery!! Get well soon and be well!
Lindsay, thanks for all the updates and dedication, you're terrific! Keep us posted.


Anonymous said...

Doug - You are amazing! So glad to hear that the surgery went well. Now on to the recovery which I'm sure you will handle as well if not better than the surgery. Lindsey - my wonderful daughter - my heart goes out to you. You are being so strong for Doug. Take care of yourself, sweetie. You need to stay healthy for Doug (and the rest of us!) Enough of the Mommy lecture!I love you both!

Shabadoo said...

Great job Lindsey of keeping us informed through out the day yesterday and for the days to come. You're a great blogger and dont let anyone tell you different! Doug, keep the good news coming! Nice to hear you were cognizant in the ICU, I remember waking-up and thinking I was Einstein, no joke! Keep on pressing on!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to hear things went well! I will check back for more updates during the day. Linds, now is the time where you will have to start watching those nurses giving the sponge baths...

Baltimore News Brief- Connecticut Girl fights ICU nurse. =)

Love you!

Erin said...

Yay Doug! We knew you'd make it through in good shape. Lindsey, thanks for sharing this with all of us - you've been amazing. I hope you were able to get some rest last night. We'll continue to be thinking about you and watching the blog!
Erin & Andy

Anonymous said...

Thats great news to hear that Doug is going strong, but oh my Lindsey, I must say you are the greatest, you are the one who definetly has the strength to be so supportive while having to endure all the pain that he is going through.

But you have got it together, for you remain in great spirits through it all and to have been keeping us so informed on his progress. You are truly a blessing!!!
I pray that all will be fine with not only DOug, but also with you and his family.

Again, KUDOS TO YOU!!! And Doug better get better...

And thanks for keeping us informed!

Anonymous said...

Lindsey, so glad to hear Doug made it through the worst part of this ordeal. Now comes recovery! Be prepared for one step forward two steps back over the next week or so. The ups and downs of recovery can be pretty daunting-hope for the best expect the worst and when things go smoothly rejoice! Be sure to take care of yourself as you take care of him these next 2-3 weeks my husband ended up loosing 20+/- pounds while we were at Mercy (he's gained it all back and then some!)He and then we also stayed at Hope Lodge; so glad you found them. Isn't it a godsend to have someplace like that available?
Take care and know that Doug's recovery is in my prayers.

Dawn Johnson
Salem, MA

Anonymous said...

You get my vote for Woman of the Year, Lindsey! You are not only there for Doug but also for Doug's extended family and friends. Thank you so much for the up-dates. They mean a lot to those of us stuck elsewhere to be able to know how Doug is. Coming out of 15 hours of surgery and knowing who was around his bed is outstanding. They'd still be slapping me around this morning trying to wake me up! Prayers, love and hugs from all of us.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for keeping us all so well informed throughout the ENTIRE day yesterday. Great to hear that Doug is doing so well, we knew he would. Also could you please inform Doug if he does not know already that the Mets won yesterday and are now 3 1/2 games up on the Phillies. Delgado had 2 monster home runs off the scoreboard last night. See you in the playoffs.

Anonymous said...

To my big sister,

I am so proud of you and Doug and am SOOO happy that at least the surgery is over! YAY! Okay, you're going to have to let me know what kind of things Doug likes and/or is not allowed to have, because I promised that boy a care package ;)

Love you both, and I can't wait for the return of the Zombie dance Doug!

Love- Steph

Anonymous said...

Hi Doug and Lindsey,
Awesome news that the surgery was successful!! We are all praying hard for you!!! Lindsey - You are amazing!!! Thanks for all the posts to keep us updated!
God Bless,
Linda Zuvich

El Phenom said...

Thanks so much for the thoughtful and timely updates, Lindsay. I can't imagine how much strength it takes to sit down and have to recap what must have been an unbelievably long day. But it's clear this strength is something Doug and you share, so I'm certainly not surprised.

Keeping the big guy in my thoughts, and even (albeit reluctantly) finding a reason to cheer on the Mets. Tell Doug Delgado must have him in his thoughts the way he's playing. There's no other reason to explain his rejuvenated career as far as I'm concerned.

Keep up the high spirits!

Anonymous said...

Hi Lindsey - You and Doug are in my prayers and thoughts constantly. Miss you and love you -kristen

Anonymous said...

Doug and Linds,
Linds, thank you so much for updating us...I have been checking nonstop! And thank you for the address, too.

Doug, I am so proud of you. Hang in there! I was so happy to read Linds and your family were able to see you last night. You all are in my thoughts :)
