Thursday, September 25, 2008

Thank you!

Hi Everyone--

Just a quick post before I head out for a few minutes to go to a birthday celebration for my boss at work and stops at the grocery store to get food since our pantry and fridge consist of soda, beer, and ramen noodles :). Doug is doing well and is right now trying to set up his new Rock Band game---good therapy for his hands, no?

Thank you to whomever decorated our house for the homecoming last night! I assumed it was Stacy since Kitty was back as a suprise and I knew she had been here, but she has let me know that she couldn't take credit for it-- So thanks so much to whomever does deserve the credit--we have so many great friends that i don't want to embarass myself further by calling out the wrong person again haha!

I'll post later on tonight.
love, Lindsey


Unknown said...

Doug and Lindsey,

Welcome back to CT. I thought of Doug when I saw this:

and this:

John D.

Unknown said...

Hey Doug and Lindsey,

Welcome home. I bet your bed never felt so comfortable. I am sure the guys at Best Buy are glad you're home, too.

Feel good and let us know if you need anything.


Anonymous said...

Lindsey & Doug,

Thanks for keeping us up-dated. Glad you're home safely. Weather has changed a little since you left but...who're HOME!!! Let us help you out w/ anything you need.