Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Last Night in Baltimore

Hi everyone-

I hope you all had a great day today. Today was pretty uneventful, and really we're just playing the waiting game before Doug's appointment with the doctor tomorrow! lets see....where to start? well first Doug last night rediscovered his love of the sleep aid Ambien......because they gave him so much of it in the hospital his body has developed a tolerance for it so in order for it to be effective, he has to take a larger dose than what is recommended. Soooo needless to say after a couple of those Doug had a long restful night......followed by a long restful morning! This morning I got up and went to the neighborhood Starbucks to get some work done. After working for a while I had to go back to the hotel to drag Doug out of bed because we had to go and get him some bloodwork done for his appointment tomorrow. For anyone who knows me at all--I'm REALLY bad in the morning. In fact, Doug will tell anyone who listens that one of the things about me that annoy him the most is the fact that I am the slllloooooowwwwwest person alive in the mornings. Well, today around 12:30 Doug took the award for groggiest! The poor thing was so sleepy!

But, we eventually got out of the room and over to the hospital to get the blood drawn with no problem and then went for a walk. We then came back to the hotel for a visit from what they call a Home Care nurse--basically the Insurance company and the hospital likes to have someone peek in and make sure that Doug is getting the right pain medication and is healing properly, takes vitals, etc. It was quick and easy!

Tonight Doug's dad and Elizabeth came into town because they are going to be there with Doug and I for his appointment tomorrow. We all walked down to the inner harbor and had a great dinner at Philips Seafood. Anyone coming to Baltimore I have to recommend eating at Philips and also at McCormick & Schmidt (I probably totally messed up the spelling on that). The funniest thing was, when we first got down there we heard live music coming from somewhere and realized it was "Simple Man". So we decided to walk closer to see if it was the real Lynard Skynard. Come to find out, the Hard Rock Cafe was having a concert and it was indeed the real band (or what is left of it, anyways!). Funny thing is we actually saw them in concert a few months ago with Kid Rock(thats right--and it was a GOOD concert! haters. )

So tonight we are just relaxing and I just finished doing all of our preliminary packing--let me tell you thank goodness that Dennis and Elizabeth are here! Not only for their invaluable support for Doug for his appointment tomorrow, but also to help us with all of the STUFF we have here! Doug's not allowed to lift anything or do any strenuous activity so........oh and he's been quick to point out that this restriction includes any and all forms of housework or chores when we get home....hmmmm......:-) No but seriously we are so happy that they are here--no matter how old we get, we always need our dads/moms in a tough situation.

So everyone keep your fingers/toes/eyes/whatever else crossed that everything goes smoothly tomorrow and at this time we will be home in CT! I'll do a quick post tomorrow when we get back just to let everyone know that we made it ok.

Hope to see you all soon!
Love, Lindsey


Anonymous said...

Hey Doug and Lindsey,

Good luck with the appointment today, and I hope the next thing you guys are up to is packing up and heading home!


Anonymous said...

Doug & Lindsey,
So glad you included the safe arrival of Dennis & Elizabeth in your blog. We're crossing everything, including Surfer Girl's paws for a good appointment for Doug.
Safe drive home to all four of you and God bless you all.
Lindsey, once again I must tell you - you are an outstanding woman with a heart of gold. You think of Doug and his needs first - as it should be - and then you think of everyone back home too. WOW!!! Doug..she's a real keeper!!
lots of love to all of you,

Kateri said...

I CANNOT wait to hear that you'll be free to travel home!!!!! Life will be sooooo much better for you guys! Glad you're having as much fun as possible while your there, of course, I wouldn't expect less from you guys :)

Doug is the luckiest man, Lindsey. Take care of yourself too- you deserve it. And Doug, you can make all this up to her!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, and Lindsey, as for that bad in the morning thing.... it goes away with age usually, it used to be no one in the house could talk to me in the mornings, and now, after time, I'm the morning cheerleader (unless you've gotten on my side). Ahhhh the joys of aging.........